The Unrivalled Challenge of Cyber Security

Do you want to really get familiar with the Cybersecurity challenges and solutions? This guide will educate you about the unrivaled challenges of cybersecurity.

Cybercrime recently made the list of top ten risks to the global economy. This is mainly due to the fact that it affects millions of people, and causes billions of dollars in lost revenue, as well as affects production networks and critical infrastructure.

Even the most effective of MySQL backup systems are susceptible to cyber-attacks, with many fortune 500 companies clocking in internet security as a major concern in modern commerce. To put a figure on just how seriously companies are taking the threat of cybercrime, consider the fact that the increase in cybersecurity jobs has risen 400% in the last 3 years alone!

cybersecurity challenges

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So, what is it you really need to know about Cybercrime and Cybersecurity challenges?

IoT Vulnerability

A key target area for cybercriminals is the Internet of Things. For most first world country, the concept of IoT is very much a reality, the problem is, the interconnected nature of your devices means that you have a centralized operating system.

The selling point here is the fact that you won’t have to login into your phone, your tablet, and your laptop separately. A centralized login system means that you can use one device to login into all your gadgets. While this is convenient, it poses a threat. This is mainly due to the fact that if a hacker gains access to any of your device’s login details, then he can access information on all your other devices.

The scariest bit is the fact that IoT devices tend to have insufficient authentication methods, as well as predominantly insecure web interfaces.

Ransomware Attacks

Attacks to ransomware are at an all-time high, as competition for market superiority becomes the top priority for many enterprises. Stakeholders, rival companies and even hostile states are now going into cyber warfare as a way to get an edge.

You’re looking at a rise of up to 40%, and the unfortunate bit is about 20% of businesses today don’t have a D.R plan, and about half of the businesses that do have a Disaster Recovery plan are using an outdated backup system.

WiFi Security

Most people also don’t know that a WiFi that isn’t password protected is one of the easiest targets for man-in-the-middle attacks. If you run a business that gives free WiFi to its clients, then you need to ensure that you secure your WiFi.

Systems such as intrusion detectors are also a good way to keep tabs on your network to ensure you don’t fall victim to cybercriminals.

The scary bit of it all is that the possibility of your enterprise being attack currently stands at about 25%. Those are very steep odds, which means that cybersecurity should be a priority to any company, regardless of how elaborate the online presence.

Insufficient Employee Education

Most people are unaware that about 60% of breaches resulting from cyber-attacks are a direct result of employee negligence. Hacker capabilities are constantly evolving, the frequency at which they attack is much higher, and companies are not training their employees to better protect industry secrets.

Providing proper training to all your employees is the first and most effective way to battle cyber-attacks.

You might also like to find out: Why the Internet isn’t as Safe as You Think?

Investment in A.I

At some point, Artificial intelligence will be the way to go. This is not only because robots work faster and for longer, but also because this “round the clock” feature can be a great way to combat cybercrime in real-time!

Think of a defense system that is on constant alert, one that can identify and deal with a virus immediately it’s identified and not after it’s already infiltrated the system. That would be something.

Bottom Line

Cybercrime is a fast-spreading epidemic, and the increase in serverless apps and IoT devices will create new opportunities for the new breed of savvy hackers, who show up every year. It is for this reason that businesses should keep a keen eye on their data and ensure all security protocols are observed.

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